Context for 10X

Created by David Dornseifer


  • What general challenges do you see in the future?
  • What might be the biggest disruption in general?
  • What might be the biggest disruption for our business?


Gartner's 2015 Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies

“The complexity for minimum component costs has increased at a rate of roughly a factor of two per year. Certainly over the short term this rate can be expected to continue, if not to increase. Over the longer term, the rate of increase is a bit more uncertain, although there is no reason to believe it will not remain nearly constant for at least 10 years. ”

Moors Law V1.0 1965

Peter Diamandis (Singularity University)

Enabler for a global, digital disruption

  • Computational Power
  • Global Connectivity
  • Free, global Learning
  • Cheap, free Infrastructure
  • Open Source

Computational Power

  • Moors law does not just apply for CPUs
  • "Intel's new non-volatile storage chip is 1.000 times faster than flash memory" (Intel)

Global Connectivity

  • Google delivers 'internet' whith baloons (Google)
  • Facebook with solar powered planes (Facebook)
  • Bandwidth of at least 1MBit
  • 3.5b until 2020 / 7b until 2025

Learning of the Future

  • Free education is available for everyone (everywhere)
  • LearnTech
  • Coursera (free MOOCs)
  • Udacity (comercial)

Cheap/free Cloud Solutions

  • Cloud computing prices convert to zero (WSJ)
  • Cheap and powerfull embedded devices available
  • Application containers counter lock in

Open Source

  • Companies contribute actively
  • Easy entry for Startups
  • Open Source Hardware (OCP)

Consequence of the global, digital disruption


  • New potential workforce in the emerging markets
  • Innovation pressure from startups
  • Trillions of dollars into the global economy

Decentralized and Digitized


Virtual Reality

3D Printing

Health care

Crypto Currency

"The digitized becomes exponentially empowered"

Derive valuable Insights

  • Speech recognition / face recognition (Google)
  • Real time speech translation (Microsoft)
  • Mining health care data to make people become 130 years old (Human Longevity)
  • Mining business data and automate systems

Machine Learning in Business

  • ML Startups focusing on Sales, Marketing, Finance (Techcrunch)
  • Automated CRM
  • Workday Machine Learning Ventures

Machine Learning in Science

Bloomberg about Workday Machine Learning Ventures

Enterprise Software

“In the new world it's not the big fish which eats the small fish, it's the fast fish which eats the slow fish.”

Quote by Klaus Schwab

Trillion Dollar Opportunity

“Every Job is Software-enabled, Every Industry is Digitized”
  • Airware (Drone Operating System)
  • Skycatch (Autonomous drone based construction support)
  • tidemark (Financial Planning and Analytics)
  • zuora (Subscription management)

Business Models in Context of 6D's

Business Models

  • Business Models are adapted to fit into exponential model
  • Data Driven
  • Democratization

Data Driven

  • Google becomes an insurance company
  • Apple becomes a bank
  • Netflix will earn an academy award for their next movie

Democratization as a Business Model

  • Quantiacs (Democratize the Quant Industry)
  • BigML (Democratize Machine Learning)
  • Thinknum (Democratize Financial Analysis)


  • As soon as information are digitized their value hops onto the exponential grow curve
  • Companies become more and more data driven
  • Everybody will be turned into an information worker
  • Facing big security and corporate espionage risks


  • What general challenges do you see in the future?
  • What might be the biggest disruption in general?
  • What might be the biggest disruption for our business?

Thanks for your attention

Questions, discussions?
