About Me

I’m a software engineer, working at Innovation Center @ SAP Labs Palo Alto right now.

In early 2014 I moved from Germany over to Mountain View in beautiful California from where I have been exploring the Silicon Valley since then.
Beside working on technological challenges I love to travel and explore the beautiful outdoors mainly in North America.

Coding and Technology

I’ve always been interested in technology, in particular information technology, and how it connects and drives (pushes) the world.

Over the time I’ve been focussing on different aspects of information technology like the network stack, database systems and information systems in general.

Programming language wise it was also quite a journey, starting with C/C++, learning Lisp and Java at University over to Python my favorite multi-purpose language nowadays.

Other Interests

As you can see on the pictures I have chosen for this page, I really love all kind of outdoor activities like hiking, backpacking, mountain biking or winter sports like snowboarding.

Being outdoor gives me the best opportunity to clear my mind, to reflect and getting inspiration.

Beside that, I enjoy reading about technology, the future or economics.

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